We are husbands Jamie Watkins and Tom Kennedy. With successful careers in fashion and design, we founded Divine Savages in 2017 determined to do interiors our way – starting with our new home. (You can follow us on Instagram @divinesavages to see how we’re getting on with that!)
We bring colour into your home and light into your life. First, we take inspiration from history, culture, fashion and the natural world to create a melting pot of influences. Then we imagine, design and create exquisitely crafted wallpapers and fabrics, glamorous home accessories, fabulous gifts and limited-edition art prints.
We want to nurture your passion for daring design. We want to help you be braver in your choice of pattern and bolder in your choice of colour. We want to celebrate both the divine and the savage in us all.
You can contact us at hello@divinesavages.com